'Any Time, Any Place, Digimon'
Fantasy turned Reality
Chapter 4
Plants and Feathers
Jordan, Gabumon and Gomamon walked through the digital world for two days. When they stopped for a rest and to eat a bit of food Jordan looked around to see if there were any clues on where to find the other partner digimon.
Jordan sighed getting depressed wondering if she was ever going to complete her mission, just than she heard a rustle. Gabumon and Gomamon looked up and Gabumon opened his mouth to warn Jordan- too late. In seconds they were all captured in netting and hanging in the air, Jordan huffed and crossed her arms over her chest before she passed out.
Jordan woke up blinking her eyes blearily groaning softly. “Ha ha ha, do you really think a HUMAN will save you?” Jordan looked to the voice and saw Ladydevimon. Gabumon and Gomamon were tied up next to Biyomon and Palmon.
Jordan gasped quietly but quickly closed her mouth but it was too late LadyDevimon whipped her head around and glared at her. “So the human who thinks she can save the digital world and the former digidestined is awake.” She stalked towards Jordan and put the tip of her pointy finger on Jordan’s chin.
Jordan glared at LadyDevimon and shook her head so her chin knocked LadyDevimon’s finger off her chin. LadyDevimon’s glare turned into a sinister smile and she said “A feisty one you will soon see what I do to feisty prisoners. With that she stalked out of the room and slammed the prison door shut.
Jordan’s eyes quickly swung around to the digimon chained on the far wall. “Guys are you ok?” Jordan whispered. They all nodded their heads, Jordan than reached into her pocket and found her digivice sighing in thankfulness that LadyDevimon didn’t search her.
She held the digivice in her hand and wished for a knife to cut her ropes. The digivice shone and out of the digivice came a knife. Jordan pocketed her digivice and got to work cutting her bonds.
Fifteen minuets later Jordan’s bonds were cut and she ran over to the digimon and started to cut their bonds. They fell to the ground in a clump, Jordan grabbed them and started running for the window, she tried to squeeze through the window but she couldn’t get through.
Thumping the wall in frustration she felt the wall move, She pressed her hand further into the wall and the wall opened into a dark hallway. Jordan looked down the passage than back into the prison and came to a decision.
She ran down the steps into the dark room, she kept running even when she heard a loud howl and cursing. She bursted into the light and kept running until she found a cave to hide in and she put gabumon, gomamon, biyomon and palmon down and checked them for injuries, luckily they didn’t have any they were just exhausted, Jordan sighed tiredly and fell asleep cuddling the digimon to her.
To Be Continued
Chapter 5
Fire, Electricity, Claws and Wings
Jordan woke up and realized that the digimon was gone from her arms, she got up and ran frantically to the entrance of the cave and looked out Gabumon, Gomamon, Biyomon and Palmon were in a circle talking quietly.
When they realized that Jordan was there they stopped talking and turned their heads towards her, with all the digimon looking at her Jordan felt self conscious and fiddled a bit. Biyomon and Palmon stood up and walked towards Jordan. “Thanks for saving us Jordan.” Palmon said.
Biyomon took one of Jordan’s hands and Palmon the other, they walked towards gabumon and gomamon and sat down. Jordan cleared her throat and asked the question that was on everyones minds.
“Do you know where Agumon, Tentomon, Gatomon and Patamon are?” Biyomon looked down and said sadly. “They were captured by Baalmon, they are being held prisoner in a dark tower.” By the end of her explanation she had tears in her eyes, Jordan wiped the tears away and said determinedly “Well we will just have to rescue them won’t we?”
The digimon looked at Jordan and than broke out in cheers. After a quick breakfast they were on their way to rescue the remaining digimon.
They walked for days only resting at night and getting up and dawn to continue their journey.
Finally on the tenth day they reached the black tower, Jordan, Gabumon, Gomamon, Biyomon and Palmon crouched in a shrub as Jordan told them the plan. “Ok, Biyomon you fly up and see where there being kept, than palmon will use her poison ivy strands to help us get up there and rescue them and gabumon and gomamon you guys are the distraction.” Everyone nodded and set about doing the plan Jordan had put in place.
Biyomon flew off and came back shortly after, reporting that she had found the others on the fourth floor they were unharmed but very weak. Jordan nodded and went to the wall with Palmon, they waited until Gabumon and Gomamon started attacking the tower to use Palmon’s poison ivy.
Jordan climbed up the ivy and into the window, she jumped down and headed straight for the digimon. She tried the cell door, but it was locked. She took out her digivice and wished for the cell door to open and it did. She quickly ran in and broke the chains keeping the digimon in place and picked them up and headed for the window.
Jordan started wrapping the digimon individually in the ivy so Palmon could get them down safely when the last digimon was down on the ground Jordan jumped from the window into Palmon’s ivy just as the door blast open and in came Baalmon, Baalmon yelled in anger and ran to the window but Jordan holding the unconscious digimon was far away before he could see which way they had escaped.
To Be Continued...
AN: Chapter 6 is the last chapter, I want to thank all the people who read my story and I hoped you enjoyed it.