'Any Time, Any Place, Digimon'
Fantasy Turned Reality
A/N: Hey Everyone, Jordan is based on me in real life, if digimon was real how I would react and feel. This is based after the first season of Digimon T.K and Kairi are still little.
Digimon doesn’t belong to me only my OC Jordan is digidestined of digimon
Fantasy Turned Reality
Chapter One
Entering the Digital World
The opening theme song for Digimon Adventure 01 blasted through Jordan’s alarm clock, she peeked open her eyes, groaning softly at the sun peeking through the blinds. She hugged her Gabumon plushie closer in her arms unconsciously while turning over to turn it off. She got up and got ready for school. She wore her hair down to her shoulders, with an off shoulder renamon shirt, jeans with chains down the jean legs and black combat boots.
When she got to school by the bus she headed straight for the computer room. She logged onto Digimon Masters and immediately a message came up, she clicked on the envelope at the bottom of the screen and started to read, the message read:
Dear Gabumonrenamongaomon,
Please help us the digital world is in trouble and you need to help us save it.
Jordan screwed up her eyes in confusion at the strange message wondering who would send such a strange message. When she clicked cross to get out of the message there suddenly came a bright light from the computer screen. Jordan raised her arm over her eyes to cover them from the light and suddenly felt her whole body being pulled into the computer, she fell through a green and blue portal and blacked out.
Groaning and sitting up slowly putting a hand on her head trying to get the world to stop spinning underneath her. She slowely opened her eyes and looked around her and gasped in shock. She had been pulled into the digital world, she felt something in her pocket and pulled it out, it was a digivice. Suddenly the screen beeped and flashed, she pressed a button and a message came up:
Jordan we are the digidestined we are in a serious situation after our first adventure in the digital world Devimon was reborn and is now trying to take over the digital world and the real world. He has taken us prisoner and he is controlling digimon making them evil you must help all digimon and free us, our partner digimon are somewhere in the digital world hurt, we have sent you to the area where they were dumped by Devimon please help them.
To Be continued....
Please review and tell me what you think of my story and tell me if you want more.
Chapter 2
Finding Gabumon
Jordan blinked in shock and stunned looking at the digivice trying to process what she had just read. Jordan stared at her digivice a little while longer and than tightened the hand holding the digivice and narrowed her eyes and said in a determined voice speaking to the partner digimon of the digidestined she grew up watching on television. “I’m coming guys, hang on, I will help you, your partners, the digital world and the real world.” With that said she stood up and looked at her digivice for some sort of direction that the first partner digimon was in.
She wandered around for a couple of hours trying to get any sign from the digivice, after the end of the second hour she plopped down on a rock and put her chin in her hands and sighed. She was hungry and tired and the stupid digivice hadn’t given her any sign of where a partner digimon could be.
She lay her head back and looked at the sky, suddenly she felt a little tugging at her pant legs. She looked down and saw a Tsumon. “Hey your a human aren’t you?” Questioned the Tsumon. Jordan blinked shocked to see a real life digimon, she than realized she was being quite rude not answering and stammered out a “y..yes.” She smiled slightly.
The Tsumon suddenly began to frantically pull on her pant leg meanwhile saying, “Come on, Come on, you shouldn’t be out in the open like this too dangerous.” Jordan got up and followed after the Tsumon to a cave, she went in and found other Tsumon’s a whole village. The Tsumon that brought her to the village sat her down and gave her some digi noir.
Than the Tsumon began speaking telling Jordan their story. “ After Devimon and the events that happened after that was finished with by the digidestined everything in the digital world was peaceful for a while. Than came devimon, rumour has it that his the same devimon that first threatened the digital world, they say he was reborn but uncommonly remembered his memories from his past life.” Tsumon looked down and a heavy silence fell over the village. “He found a way to drag the digidestined into the digital world and trap them and take away their partner digimon and now he wants to take over the digital and real world.”
Jordan nodded and asked “I was contacted by the digidestined and I am going to help the digital world and the human world but first I need to find the partner digimon and help them heal, do you have any idea where they would be?” The tsumon blinked and than looked down thinking hard and than looked up and bounced up and down excitedly. “I know, I know, I know where gabumon might be! Follow me.” Tsumon started bouncing away excitedly and Jordan had to run to keep up with him.
They walked for what seemed like hours over hills and finally came to a cave behind a waterfall and behind the waterfall in the cave lay gabumon. Jordan ran over to gabumon and slid down on her knees. Gabumon opened one eye and gasped at seeing another human. “W..what are you doing here..who are you?” Jordan answered “I’m Jordan and I’m here to help the digital world and the human world and I’m here for your help to get the digidestined out of jail. Gabumon stared at Jordan to shocked and hurt to move and Jordan began examining his wound. She beckoned for Tsumon to come see the wound. “Do you know how to cure this Tsumon?” Tsumon looked at the wound and nodded once and bounced off again Jordan following. He led her to a stream and in the stream there were green weeds. “Just grind the green weeds into a bowl and spread it like a paste over the wound.” Tsumon said. Jordan quickly picked the weeds and ran back to gabumon and ground the weeds into a paste and spread it on the wound. She waited and waited and eventually fell asleep.
When she woke up gabumon wasn’t their she startled awake and looked around gabumon was at the entrance of the cave and glanced back at her and smiled shyly “Well where not going to save anyone lying around all day.” Said gabumon, Jordan smiled and ran to the entrance of the cave and walked off with Gabumon to find the next digimon.
To be continued...
Please tell me what you think.
Chapter 3
Swimming with the fishies
Jordan and Gabumon walked on for a few days eating sleeping and looking for signs of the other partner digimon. Finally they were settled down on the fifth night beside a river and eating fish they had caught for their dinner when they saw one of their fish stand up and walk away,
Gabumon and Jordan looked at each other eyebrows raised and got up to follow the walking fish. They followed it to a lake and found the fish in a pukamon’s mouth disappearing under water Jordan and gabumon blinked and than they felt a pain at the back of their heads and they turned around and saw that some pukamon had attacked them than they blacked out.
Jordan and gabumon woke up tied up in a canvas bag, Jordan heard pukamon talking all around them and she made a noise so the pukamon’s knew she was awake. Suddenly she had to squint her eyes against the light as she was tipped out of the bag face down bottom up in the air, gabumon landing on her back.
The pukamon crowded around Jordan and gabumon and glared at them in hostility. “What the hell are you doing here?” growled the head pukamon. Jordan looked straight at the pukamon and told her the truth. “I am here to rescue the digimon world and the human world now do you know where I can find the other digidestined partner digimon.
The pukamon looked taken aback by Jordan’s abruptness and truthfulness and struggled to find words to answer. “H..how can I trust you?” Gabumon answered than making Jordan jump because she didn’t know gabumon was awake. “You don’t, but its vital you have to.” Gabumon stared into the eyes of pukamon.
The pukamon nodded and dived into the water but not before gesturing to Jordan and Gabumon to follow her. The other pukamon cut their binds and they dived in after the pukamon. Just as Jordan and gabumon were running out of breath they came to a cave that seemed to be water proof because no water was getting in there Jordan and gabumon landed in the hole and gave deep breaths.
Laying on the ground in front of them was gomamon, he had a deep gash across his neck. Jordan and gabumon rushed over and knelt down beside him. “What happened gomamon?” Questioned Jordan in worry, gomamon opened one eye a slit and said in a weak voice “You must be Jordan Joe has told me you were sent here to help us, as I was escaping Devimon and his minions one of his minions caught me and poisoned me and the antidote is at the bottom of the ocean and its too far for anyone to dive down and get it.
Jordan cocked her head and thought for a moment she smiled “What about whamon? Can’t he go to the bottom of the ocean?”
Gomamon weakly lifted up his head and glared at Jordan. “Don’t you think I have tried that? My Pukamon’s can’t FIND him.” He growled.
Jordan thought for a moment and than said determinedly I’ll do it, gomamon looked at Jordan in shock. “Bu..but your a human you will die if you go down there. Just than Jordan’s digivice glowed and out of it came a diving suit and air bag. Jordan smiled and put it on and dived.
Jordan kicked her feet faster and faster, looking at her digivice for direction, on her digivice was a map of the part of the ocean she was in and it beeped when she got near her target.
Her digivice suddenly beeped frantically and Jordan looked down there was the antidote sticking up from the bottom of the ocean waving in the currents.
Jordan swam down and gently plucked it and cupped it in her palm, she than swam straight up and popped out of the water. She propped herself up on the rock and kicked off her flippers and ran to gomamon, she crushed the antidote in a rock bowl and spread it on gomamon’s wound.
Gomamon peeked open both eyes and stretched himself, the heal slowely started to heal itself the skin pulling together as if Jordan had stitched his skin up.
Gomamon suddenly stood up and went to Jordan. “Well, are we going? We need to go save the others after all.” Gomamon said and walked off like he hadn’t just been injured a moment ago.
Jordan and Gabumon shook their heads and followed gomamon wondering what would happen next.
To Be Continued...