'Any Time, Any Place, Digimon'
Digimon Adventure 01 Taichi (Tai) Kamiya
Tai Kamiya is a happy-go-lucky character, he is a adventurous but naive character who wears goggles, which becomes common later in the digimon franchise among the leaders of the group. He is the older brother of Kari Kamiya and can be very protective of her.
Because his brash he often acts on impulse and he doesnt realize the consequences of his actions. This leads him to fight with Matt who is his best friend and rival and than feel guilty about it also his oldest friend Sora Takenouchi and his digimon partner Agumon. However because he is a leader he comes through in the end no matter what. He has the crest of courage.
Tai is a very caring and considerate person, even if his actions make people think otherwise. It takes him time to become a great leader. He learns to look ahead and not to act so brash. The producers of Digimon show Tai calmly mentoring the Digidestined in Digimon Adventure 02 as an example of how much his changed.
His appearance is based on Taichi Yagami, the human star of the Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 manga.
Appearance: (Tai as a little boy in this picture)
In 1995, Tai is a little boy with lightly tanned skin, spiky brown hair and eyes. He wears a blue T-shirt with long sleeves, orange stars near the shoulders, a yellow pocket on each side of his chest and three yellow buttons up the top and a yellow collar. He wears black pants with grey vertical line one each side and white and blue sneakers with a yellow line in the back and white goggles with a black strap around his neck.
His pajamas are a light blue shirt with blue buttons, light blue pants and his goggles.
When Tai is eight years old he wears a shirt with yellow on the chest and two horizontal lines near the bottom, shorts, socks and sneakers.
By 1999, Tai is taller. He wears a blue T-shirt with orange stars near the shoulders a yellow pocket on each side of his chest and three yellow buttons on the top. He wears a yellow shirt under his blue one, brown shorts which is where he keeps his digivice, a blue headband where he keeps his goggles a black wrist band on his left arm, white gloves, white socks and blue and white sneakers with yellow triangles on them. Because of his headband a tuft of hair is shown in the front of the headband. When his clothes get frozen and Agumon defrosts them his shorts are partly burned, he wears blue briefs with a white band on top.Tai's soccer uniform is a red T-shirt with a white collar, white lines on the sleeves and a white number ten on the back. He wears white shorts with a red line on each side with white socks that have red on the borders and black and red football boots with white marks on them.
By 2002, Tai's taller and has more hair . He is usually seen wearing his Odaiba High School uniform a white buttoned shirt with long sleeves under a open green shirt with long sleeves, grey pants and blue sneakers.
In summer he wears a green T-shirt under a blue T-shirt that has yellow triangles on each sleeve and on his chest, the triangle on the chest is cut with a line and a yellow border. He wears yellow wristbands on his wrists, light brown shorts, grey socks and blue shoes. with white soles.
By 2007 Tai is taller and has cut his hair. He wears a yellow shirt under a grey zipped jacket with a blue collar. He wears blue pants and blue shoes with yellow yellow soles.
At work he wears a white shirt under a black suit with a blue tie.